Monday, August 20, 2012

Aromatherapy Heat Wrap Covers

Here are the heat wrap covers I made! I am finally finishing this post even though I made these several months ago... it's been a busy summer!

Here's what I did for my 9" x 13" heat wraps.... (sorry I didn't take pictures along the way)

Two-Piece Cover

16.5" x 11" piece of fleece
15" x 11" piece of flannel for the accent/back side
9" strip of 3/4" velcro.

Hem  (1/2") the one of the short ends of each piece of fabric to give them a finished edge.

Sew the hook piece of velcro to the wrong side of the fleece at the finished edge. Sew the loop piece of velcro to the right side of the flannel at the finished edge.

Sew right sides together using 1/2" seam, leaving the end that doesn't meet up open. Turn right-side out and baste the edges together.

Insert heat wrap and secure velcro. That's it!

One-Piece Cover

30 1/2" x 11" piece of flannel
9" strip of 3/4" velcro

Hem (1/2") the short ends to give them a finished edge.

Sew the hook piece of velcro to the wrong side of one end at the finished edge and the loop piece of velcro to the right side of the other end at the finished edge.

Fold the right sides together, leaving the end  with the hook piece of velcro hanging off by an inch for the flap. Sew together using 1/2" seam and turn right-side out. Baste edges together.

Insert heat wrap and secure velcro. Done!

I hope these directions were simple to follow, I know it'd be better with pictures, perhaps I'll be able to update this post after I make another heat wrap cover and take pictures along the way. Happy sewing!

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